Oxford Business Group: Kevin Okyere Interview.

Upstream development and deepwater exploration in Ghana drives sector growth

Kevin Okyere, CEO, Springfield Group | | Oxford Business Group

17 August 2020

In this Global Platform video, Kevin Okyere, CEO of Springfield Group, talks about Ghana’s upstream sector and Springfield becoming the first independent African energy company to drill in deepwater. Recent advancements in upstream activities have created more employment opportunities in the local economy, and natural gas is set to play a huge role in the development of the country and Africa. As Ghana’s energy capacity continues to grow, it will soon be in the position to export electricity to neighbouring countries.

After analysing the new 3D broadband seismic in 2018 we embarked on securing a rig in 2019 and we drilled in, which was a very successful drilling campaign which led to us finding oil and gas in commercial quantities.

Now Springfield, as the first homegrown African company to shoot seismic in deepwater, other Ghanaians have started by applying to get concessions for oil blocks in Ghana.

But this goes beyond Ghana. This is basically for the entire continent. Even beyond the continent because it simply states that whatever you put your mind to and you put in the work you can achieve it. So a lot of people in Africa have the belief that these are areas that you don’t go, which is deepwater.


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